
1997何麗萍香港浸會大學BBA(HONS) in Mathematical SciencePresident’s Honour Roll
1997陳思銘香港浸會大學BBA(HONS) FinanceDean’s List
1997潘智明香港大學MBBSProfessor Michael Colbourne Prize (Group Prize)
1998雷瑞琪香港中文大學MathematicsSecond Class Honours Lower Division
1998游慧嫻香港教育學院Bachelor of Education (HONS) (Primary)Leung Fung-ki Memorial Scholarship & K P Tin Teacher Education Scholarship
1999陸掁中香港大學BScYoung Leaders of Tomorrow Scholarship
1999周彰昭香港理工大學BSc(HONS) in Building Engerring &ManagementSecond Class Honours (Upper Division)
1999何明華香港浸會大學BBA(HONS) in Computer Science (CS)First Class Honours
1999何麗鶯香港浸會大學BBA(HONS) in Computer Science (CS)Dean’s List
2000陳錦棠香港嶺南大學BBALingnan University Scholarships (02-03)
2000陳錦棠香港嶺南大學BBADean’s List (02-03)
2000林偉雄香港科技大學School of EngineeringDean’s List (02-03)
2000林偉雄香港科技大學School of EngineeringDean’s List (01-02)
2001劉長進香港浸會大學BBA(HONS) AccountingDean’s List (03-04)
2001劉長進香港浸會大學BBA(HONS) AccountingDean’s List (02-03)
2001劉長進香港浸會大學BBA(HONS) AccountingDean’s List (01-02)
2001劉少平香港浸會大學BSSC (HONS) in CommunicationDean’s List (03-04)
2001劉少平香港浸會大學BSSC (HONS) in CommunicationDean’s List (02-03)
2001李秋婷香港浸會大學BSSC (HONS) in GeographyDean’s List (03-04)
2001李秋婷香港浸會大學BSSC (HONS) in GeographyDean’s List (02-03)
2001林鴻煒香港科技大學School of Business and ManagementMichigan State University
2001張文慧香港教育學院Certificate in Early Childhood Education ProgrammeTsuen Wan Trade Association Education Foundation Scholarship (2006)
2001楊毅婷香港中文大學B.Sc. Programme in ChemistrySecond Class Honours (2005)
2001黃慧珊香港理工大學BA (Hons) in DesignFirst Class Honours (2005)
2002陳潔瀅香港理工大學BS (Hons) in Occupational TherapyFirst Class Honours (2005)
2002邵庭禧香港科技大學School of Business and ManagementStudent on exchange: Sun Yat-sen University (04-05)
2002邵庭禧香港科技大學School of Business and ManagementCompany employing: South Asia Knitting Factory Ltd. (04-05)
2002陳淑雯香港大學BScSecond Class Honours (Division One) (2005)
2002朱君豪香港科技大學School of EngineeringDean’s List (07-08)
2002邵庭禧香港科技大學School of Business and ManagementDean’s List (03-04)
2002郭嘉儀香港科技大學School of Business and ManagementDean’s List (02-03)
2002郭嘉儀香港科技大學School of Business and ManagementDean’s List (03-04)
2003黃曼晴香港浸會大學BBA(HONS) Applied Econ. OpitionDean’s List (03-04)
2003黃慧玲香港浸會大學BSSC (HONS) in CommunicationDean’s List (03-04)
2003陳玲瑜香港理工大學BA (Hons) in AccountancyHKSI Scholarship Programme (04-05)
2003黃慧玲香港浸會大學BSS (Hons) in CommunicationDean’s List (04-05)
2003劉亦家香港大學BSocScHKU Worldwide Undergraduate Student Exchange Scholarships (2005)
2003黃智翰香港理工大學BA (Hons) in AccountancyDean’s Honour List (06-07)
2003梁家美香港理工大學BS (Hons) in PhysiotherapyFirst Class Honours (2007)
2004黃滋灝香港理工大學BA (Hons) in AccountancyDean’s List (06-07)
2005黎楚柔香港浸會大學Sport and Recreation StudiesDean’s List (09-10)
2006楊庭暉香港大學Bachelor of EducationDean’s List (2009 – 10)
2006楊庭暉香港大學Bachelor of EducationDean’s List (2010 – 11)
2007陳潤成香港科技大學School of EngineeringDean’s List (09-10)
2008朱幗芳香港科技大學School of EngineeringDean’s List (09-10)
2008朱幗芳香港科技大學School of EngineeringDean’s List (10-11)
2008何晴香港浸會大學Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons.)-Accounting MajorPresident’s Honour Roll (09-10)
2008何晴香港浸會大學Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons.)-Accounting MajorFirst Class Honours (10-11)
2008黎芷殷香港浸會大學(AD) Applied Social ServiceDean’s List (1st Semester 2011 – 2012)
2009馬樂愉香港浸會大學Applied Social ServiceDean’s List (09-10)
2009鄒長順香港浸會大學General Education StreamOutstanding Academic Performance (09-10)
2009鄒長順香港浸會大學(AD) Applied Social ServiceDean’s List (1st Semester 2011 – 2012)
2010柯威濂香港浸會大學Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons.)-Applied Econ. ConcentrationDean’s List (10-11)
2010柯威濂香港浸會大學Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons.)-Applied Econ. ConcentrationDean’s List (2012 – 2013)
2010文卓森香港浸會大學(AD) Creative CommunicationDean’s List (1st Semester 2011 – 2012)
2010蕭頌恆香港浸會大學(AD) Chinese for Professional PurposesDean’s List (1st Semester 2011 – 2012)
2011吳嘉寶香港浸會大學(AD) Creative CommunicationDean’s List (1st Semester 2011 – 2012)
2011袁德儀香港浸會大學(AD) Creative CommunicationDean’s List (1st Semester 2011 – 2012)
2011黃佳駿香港浸會大學(AD) Music StudiesPresident’s Honour Roll (1st Semester 2011 – 2012)
2011何詠妍香港浸會大學(AD) Creative CommunicationPresident’s Honour Roll (1st Semester 2011 – 2012)
2011楊家興香港中文大學 (聯合書院)Lee Shu Pui and Leung Wei Hing First-in-the-Family Tertiary Education Admission Scholarship
2011冼潁詩香港科技大學School of EngineeringDean’s List (2013 – 2014)
2012李百滔香港浸會大學Associate Degree ProgrammeDean’s List (1st Semester 2013 – 2014)
2012吳穎鈴香港浸會大學Associate Degree ProgrammeDean’s List (1st and 2nd Semester 2013 – 2014), Outstanding Performance Scholarship
2012林致雅香港浸會大學Associate Degree ProgrammeDean’s List (1st and 2nd Semester 2013 – 2014)
2012嚴美婷香港中文大學 專業進修學院Higher Diploma Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Management (2-year programme)Oustanding Academic Achievement
2013戴曉晴香港中文大學 專業進修學院Higher Diploma Programme in Applied Japanese Language (2-year programme)Oustanding Academic Achievement
2013蔡鈞香港中文大學 專業進修學院Higher Diploma Programme in Business and Corporate Administration (2-year programme)Oustanding Academic Achievement
2013劉沁樂香港浸會大學Associate of Arts (Chinese for Professional Purposes)Dean’s List (1st and 2nd Semester 2014 – 2015)
2014盧筠煒香港中文大學專業進修學院Higher Diploma Programme in Commercial DesignOutstanding Academic Achievement
2015吳家嘉教育局Scholarship for Prospective English Teachers (2015/16)
2015李賢朋恒生管理學院Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours)Scholarship for School Principal’s Recommended
2015鄭培珮恒生管理學院Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours)Distinguished Award
2015鄧配賢香港浸會大學Associate of Arts (Creative Communication)Dean’s List (1st & 2nd Semester 2017 – 18)
2015陳燕孜香港浸會大學Associate of Arts (Visual Arts)Dean’s List (1st & 2nd Semester 2017 – 18)
2016余彥臻恒生管理學院Bachelor of Scinece (Honours) in Data Science and Business IntelligenceSelf-financing Post-secondary Scholarship:Talent Development Scholarship 2015/16
2016黃愷盈香港浸會大學Associate of Arts (Business Administration)Dean’s List (1st Semester 2016 – 17)
2016黃愷盈香港浸會大學Associate of Arts (Business Administration)Dean’s List (1st & 2nd Semester 2017 – 18)
2016倪穎怡東華學院Bachelor of Health Science(Honours) in NursingSelf-financing Post-secondary Scholarship Scheme: Outstanding Performance Scholarship
2016李沅蓉香港浸會大學Associate of Science (Psychology)Self-financing Post-secondary Scholarship Scheme: Endeavour Scholarship
2016李沅蓉香港浸會大學Associate of Science (Psychology)Dean’s List (1st Semester 2017 – 18)
2016李沅蓉香港浸會大學Associate of Science (Psychology)President’s Honour Roll (2nd Semester 2017 – 18)
2017吳佩宜恒生管理學院Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in EnglishScholarship for Principal’s Recommended Admission Scheme
2017詹雅文香港浸會大學Associate of Arts (Visual Arts)Dean’s List (2nd Semester 2017 – 18)

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